Lovebird : : Adult
Take a look at these two adorable new arrivals at the shelter! Meet Minty, an 8 year old yellow female Lovebird and her cage mate Bert, a 10 year old green hybrid Fischer's Loverbird. Minty acts tough until she gets to know you. They both love shredding paper and swinging on swings. They like playing their own game of hide and go seek by trying to hide in coats or towels they can get to. Minty likes anything she can tear apart and Bert loves a little wooden ball he likes to chase around. This dynamic duo is sure to reach out and tug on many heart strings!
Additional Information:Adoptions are not 'first come, first served'; we strive to find the most appropriate home for each parrot. We do not ship parrots and generally adopt only within a 200-mile radius of Fargo, ND. A pre-adoption, home visit by a member of our Adoption Committee is required for every adoption. To review our Adoption Process, please click here. We charge an Adoption Fee for each adoptable parrot. Adoption Fees are based on the discretion of the Board of Directors. Other Pictures of Bert and Minty (click to see larger version):
STORE HOURS (CONTROLLED ACCESS) Wednesdays: 5:00p - 7:00p SHELTER HOURS (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY) Please call 701-293-3833 and leave a message |